Diabetes insipidus-
Statistics –
Symptoms of diabetes insipidus –
Causes /Etiology of Diabetes insipidus –
Kidneys do the work of filtering the blood. During this process initially some amount of fluid is filtered by the kidneys. But some amount of this as to be returned to the blood stream as the work of kidney is to excrete only the harmful waste products along with certain amount of water . The work of regulating as to how much amount of water and salt is to be excreted by the kidneys is done by ADH(Antidiuretic hormone) or Vasopresin
Central diabetes insipidus
In this the production of ADH can be inhibited due to Surgery Tumour Trauma Genetic/Hereditay Any condition that can cause brain damage -stroke due to ischaemia causing infarction due to drowning, suffocation due to any cause or stroke due to bleeding due to trauma or hypertensive stroke Infection due to encephalitis, meningitis Wolfram syndrome a genetic disorder that can also result in loss of vision.