Side Effects of Insulin Therapy

Side Effects of Insulin Therapy

Side Effects of Insulin Therapy
Side effects of insulin therapy-important aspects                                
  Dizziness,trouble speaking,fatigue,confusion,pale skin,sweating,twiching of muscles,seizure,loss of consciousness are all the side effects of insulin therapy.
In type  1 diabetes  mellitus following  side  effects  are  seen  due  to  insulin  therapy –
In case if you observe any of these side effects it is always better to consult a qualified and experienced doctor – physician- MD-GENERAL MEDICINE OR ENDOCRINOLOGIST WILL BE A BETTER OPTION.
Many people ask then why to read all this text -the reason is that it helps you to understand the pathology better ,you can cooperate with treatment better ,your treating physician is already busy with his patients and he does not have sufficient time  to explain you all the things right from ABCD.
Weight  gain -Initially  before  insulin  therapy  cells  are  not  able  to  utilize  glucose  as  there  is  difficulty  in  transfer  of  glucose  into the  cells.
When  insulin  is  started  it  helps  in  the  transfer of glucose  through the  cell  membrane  from the  blood  into the  cells. So  now cells  can  utilize  glucose. Our  body  has  mechanism  which  helps  to  transfer  glucose  into  fats  and  glucose  into  proteins. Insulin administered externally will do all these functions but there are side efects of insulin therapy. Insulin  also  helps  in  the  breakdown of  proteins and fats. Afterall Insulin is a growth hormone
Due to  all  these mechanisms the  body  weight increases.
Hypoglycemia -If  more  than  the  required  dose  of  insulin  is  given, or if  insulin  is  given  at the  wrong  time then  the  blood  glucose  levels  fall  below  the  normal  range  ,brain  does  not  get sufficient  supply of  glucose  and  the  person  faints. So  a  person  with  diabetes  should  always  keep  packets  of  sugar  or  chocolate  with  him and  these  should  be  consumed  as  early as possible.
Causes for these side effect of insulin therapy are taking more than the required dose of insulin ,forgetting to take meals .
Following  are the  effects  seen  in  hypoglycemia-
  • Dizziness
  • Shaking
  • Trouble  in  speaking
  • Fatigue
  • The  individual  can  become  unconscious
  • Confusion
  • The  skin  becomes  pale
  • Sweating
  • Seizures
  • Twitching  of  muscles

Side effects of insulin therapy are important to be known to the diabetic patient as he should be aware of it and once they happen he should report it to the physician.

Family  members  must  be  aware of  all  these  things as  hypoglycemia  is  always  much  more  dangerous  than  hyperglycemia.
If  this  hypoglycemia(falling of  blood  glucose  below  the  normal  range ) occurs   in a  hospital  then  it  is  much  more  safe condition  as  immediately  iv  glucose  can be  given  by the  hospital  staff  and  situation  can be  brought  under  control.
Side effects of insulin therapy can go to extreme levels in some circumstances.
Fat  necrosis -As the individual  takes  subcutaneous  insulin  it  is  actually  delivered  into  the  subcutaneous  fat  and  there  is  a  possibility  that  a painful  lump  can  form in  the  subcutaneous  plane.Pain and lipodystrophy are frequent side effects associated with insulin injections. Lipodystrophy may lead to the development of fat deposits beneath the skin, resulting in a lumpy appearance. It can also damage fat tissueleading to indentations in the skin.
Sweating  and  palpitations  can occur to  the  patient  during  hypoglycemia.
Rash or  swelling -This  can  occur  at the  site  of  injection.
Anxiety and depression -These  things  can  occur  in  a  patient  taking  insulin  as  he  starts  thinking  that  something  has  happened to  him, he  is  definitely  dependent  on  injections  and  things  have  not  remained  the  same  as  before. In  this  case  the  family  members  should  boost  the  morale  of  this patient. 
Headaches are a frequent side effect that typically lessen once your body adjusts to insulin. You may consider taking an over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to alleviate the discomfort.
Rash and/or itching all over the body
Shortness of breath
Impaired vision
Rapid heartbeat
Challenges in breathing or swallowing
Muscle spasms
Complications due  to  insulin therapy –
  • Heart  attack (Myocardial infarction)
  • Stroke
  • Ophthalmic  problems
  • Complications  related to  kidney.
For  the  different  types of diabetes in  which  insulin  is  given –
  • Type  1
  • Type  -2
  • Gestational   diabetes
  • For further description on Insulin in great detail pl click on the link given below which is A MUST READ FOR EVERYONE !- ,in case of technical difficulties you need to copy paste this link in google search .In case if you are viewing this article from your mobile phone you need to click on the three dots at the top right hand corner of your mobile phone screen and click on enable desktop website ,then only your can be able to view the links .You may copy paste the link to google search .

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    Diabetes mellitus



For description on Diabetes mellitus in great detail pl click on the link below-,in case of technical difficulties you need to copy paste this link in google search .In case if you are viewing this article from your mobile phone you need to click on the three dots at the top right hand corner of your mobile phone screen and click on enable desktop website ,then only your can be able to view the links .You may copy paste the link to google search .It is always better to view links from laptop/desktop rather than mobile phone

Diabetes mellitus

Please  read  our  article  on  Types of diabetes in is the link for this website.
Tips for safety of Insulin-

Insulin is a medication that requires a prescription. An individual should consult their physician regarding:

selecting the appropriate kind of insulin for their needs
potential side effects or interactions with other medications

Safely and effectively self-administering insulin
Individuals with type 2 or gestational diabetes should talk to their physician to determine if insulin therapy is the right option for them.

They might have the opportunity to explore alternative treatment methods to manage their blood sugar levels, including non-insulin medications alongside lifestyle and diet modifications.

It’s crucial for individuals who must take insulin to regularly check their blood sugar levels. An excess or deficiency of insulin can result in side effects or complications.

Adhering to the prescribed treatment plan is also crucial. It is important not to skip a dose and to take each dose at the appropriate time.

Anyone who encounters side effects during insulin therapy should consult a physician. It may be that another treatment strategy or a different insulin type could better fit their requirements and lifestyle.

physician can also provide guidance on how to avoid or lessen particular side effects.

Is Insulin harmful to kidneys ?

In individuals without health issuesinsulin has minimal or no impact on renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, or albumin permeability. In individuals with noninsulin-dependent diabetes, increased insulin levels specifically elevate urinary albumin excretion.

Who needs to take insulin ?


Diabetes negatively impacts the pancreas’s ability to produce insulin and the body’s utilization of this vital hormone. This condition leads to elevated blood sugar levels.

Nonetheless, not everyone diagnosed with type 2 diabetes will need insulin injections. Individuals with type 1 diabetesconverselywill need to supplement their insulin for their entire lives.

There are three primary categories of diabetes:

Type 1 diabetesGenerally begins in childhood when an individual fails to generate sufficient insulin. This is typically the result of the body’s immune system attacking a normally functioning pancreas.
Type 2 diabetes: Can emerge at any age, though the average onset age is around 45 years . Either the pancreas does not produce adequate insulin, or the body‘s cells become resistant to its effects.
Gestational diabetes: Occurs during pregnancy and complicates a woman’s body‘s response to insulin. It usually resolves after childbirth but elevates a woman‘s risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are generally lifelong conditions.

Insulin delivery devices

Individuals with type 1 diabetes need to undergo daily insulin therapy to keep their blood sugar levels stable. Yet, the specific treatment plan can differ from one person to another.

person can administer their insulin to their body via a pump. This device delivers the hormone through a port, eliminating the necessity for injections. Certain pumps operate automatically, while others demand more involvement from the user.

Some people might be required to provide two to four doses each day. Additional injections of rapid- or short-acting insulin may be needed during mealtimes.

Individuals also utilize injections, pens, and inhalers to administer insulin.

Types of insulin
physician can assist in tailoring a safe and effective insulin treatment plan for an individual with type 1 diabetes. As stated by the American Academy of Family Physicians, there are various types of insulin that individuals can utilize either independently or in conjunction.

Rapid-acting insulins that begin to take effect within 15 minutes and can persist for approximately 3–5 hours.
Short-acting insulins that require 30–60 minutes to take effect and have a duration of 5–8 hours.
Intermediate-acting insulins that need 1–3 hours to take effect but can last 12–16 hours.
Long-acting insulins that start to become effective in about 1 hour and can last 20–26 hours.
Premixed insulins that integrate a rapid- or short-acting insulin with a longer-acting variant.
physician will prescribe one of these insulins or a combination along with a carefully managed schedule. Adhering to this diligently will help minimize the chances of side effects and complications.





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Non-insulin therapies
Individuals with type 2 diabetes frequently manage their condition without the use of insulin treatment.

Alternative treatment choices comprise lifestyle and dietary modifications along with non-insulin drugs, including metformin. Nevertheless, if an individual cannot regulate their blood sugar levels with these therapies, a physician might suggest insulin treatment.

Women who have gestational diabetes usually receive insulin; however, they may also handle their diabetes through metformin. A physician will clarify the safest method to take these medications while pregnant.

Myths about insulin therapy
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), various widespread myths exist regarding the use of insulin therapy for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Those who use insulin may occasionally hear others express the following claims, yet these have no foundation in research or fact:

“Insulin can cure diabetes. ” Currently, there is no cure for diabetes. Nonetheless, insulin can assist an individual in managing its effects.
“It will cause disruption in your life. ” Although adjusting to a regimen of insulin might take some time, an individual can lead a full and active life, provided they adhere to their insulin schedule.
“Insulin injections cause pain. ” Numerous individuals have a fear of needles. However, contemporary insulin pens inflict almost no pain. Those using pumps can eliminate injections completely.
“Insulin will increase the frequency of severe hypoglycemia. ” While insulin can elevate the chance of hypoglycemia, certain insulins can help control a rapid decrease in blood sugar.
“Insulin causes weight gain for as long as a person uses it. ” Initially, insulin may lead to weight gain, but this is not a persistent effect. The body must first adjust to insulin supplementation.
“The injection site is not important. ” The location on the body where a person injects a needle or pen influences the rate at which insulin takes effect. This can be crucial after meals when swift declines in blood glucose levels diminish the food’s impact.
“Insulin is addictive. ” Insulin is not an addictive substance and is essential for anyone whose pancreas fails to produce insulin.
Consulting with a physician should alleviate any worries or anxieties one may have regarding insulin therapy

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