How to remove ear wax blockage-various aspects-
Cross section of ear canal with earwax blockage.
Earwax blockage occurs when earwax (cerumen) accumulates inside your ear canal.
What is cerumen impaction?
“Cerumen impaction” is the clinical term for earwax blockage. Earwax (cerumen) plays a vital role in maintaining ear health. It cleans your ears and shields them from dust, dirt, and infections.
Despite its numerous advantages, earwax can lead to problems if it accumulates too much. Cerumen impaction may cause ear pain, itchiness, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, or other complications. When needed, a healthcare provider can assist you with earwax removal.

Who is most likely to develop impacted earwax?
Earwax blockage can affect anyone. Approximately 10% of children and 5% of adults experience it.
Impacted cerumen is more prone to occur in individuals who:
Use hearing aids, earplugs, or earbuds.
Have significant ear hair.
Suffer from certain skin conditions like eczema.
Insert cotton swabs or other objects into their ears.
Are over the age of 55.
Have developmental disabilities.
Possess misshaped ear canals that obstruct natural wax removal.
Symptoms and Causes
What are the symptoms of cerumen impaction?
Symptoms of impacted earwax may include:
A sensation of fullness in your ear.
Pain in your ear (earache).
Hearing loss, which might worsen over time.
Ringing in your ears (tinnitus).
Itchiness in your ears.
Discharge or odor from your ears.
What causes earwax buildup?
Some individuals experience earwax buildup simply because they produce more earwax naturally.
You may also encounter earwax impaction if:
You have dry or hard earwax.
You have an abundance of ear hair.
You have narrow ear canals.
You regularly wear earplugs or hearing aids.
You habitually use cotton swabs to clean your ears.
What happens if impacted earwax is not removed?
If not treated, excessive earwax may cause the symptoms of earwax impaction to intensify. These symptoms could involve hearing loss, ear irritation, tinnitus, and other issues. An accumulation of earwax may also hinder visibility into your ear, which could lead to potential problems going undiagnosed.
Diagnosis and Tests
How is cerumen impaction diagnosed?
Your healthcare provider will conduct a physical examination. During this appointment, they will examine your ears using a specific instrument called an otoscope to check for earwax buildup.
Management and Treatment
How do you get rid of impacted earwax?
Treatments for impacted cerumen consist of both home and office techniques, including:
Solutions that dissolve earwax.
Ear irrigation.
In-office earwax removal.
Consult with your healthcare provider before attempting any treatment.
Clean your ears properly
Clean the outer portion of your ear using a washcloth. After showering or bathing, dry your ears as thoroughly as possible.
You should never, under any circumstances, insert anything into your ear canal — including cotton swabs. Using cotton swabs can not only damage your eardrum but also encourage your ears to produce more earwax. (Learn more about why you should avoid cotton swabs in “Additional Common Questions” below. )
Use solutions to dissolve earwax.
You may utilize cerumenolytic solutions (solutions that dissolve wax) in your ear canal. These solutions comprise:
Saline solution.
Baby oil.
Mineral oil.
Hydrogen peroxide or peroxide-based ear drops
When using these solutions, place a few drops into the affected ear and lie down on the opposite side. In this manner, the solution can flow into your affected ear. These oils should be applied sparingly. If you are using an over-the-counter earwax removal product, adhere to the instructions given.
Ear irrigation
Another alternative is to irrigate or syringe your ear. This process entails utilizing a syringe to flush out your ear canal with water or saline solution. Typically, you should initially soften the wax by applying a cerumenolytic solution. Subsequently, you will gently irrigate your ear with a bulb syringe.
In-office earwax removal
Lastly, your healthcare provider is able to extract earwax manually using specific instruments. They may employ a cerumen spoon, forceps, irrigation, or a suction device. Generally, these methods only take a few minutes to finish.
How can I stop earwax accumulation?
Avoid inserting anything into your ears for cleaning. If you utilize cotton swabs, they should be restricted to the outer area of your ear. If a healthcare professional has to extract earwax from your ears more than once annually, inquire what they recommend to prevent earwax from accumulating.
Outlook / Prognosis
What should I anticipate if I experience impacted cerumen?
While impacted cerumen can be bothersome and inconvenient, it typically isn’t harmful. However, you should contact a healthcare professional if you observe symptoms of impacted earwax such as ear pain, dizziness, or hearing loss.
Some individuals produce more earwax than others and may require regular treatments for removal. Discuss with your provider strategies to soften earwax and maintain ear health.
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Living With
When is it necessary to consult my healthcare provider?
Reach out to a healthcare provider if you exhibit symptoms of cerumen impaction like ear pain, itchiness, tinnitus, dizziness, hearing loss, or a sensation of fullness in your ears.
You should seek immediate medical attention if you experience:
Persistent earache.
Discharge from your ear (otorrhea).
A foul smell emanating from your ear.
What inquiries should I pose to my healthcare provider?
Your healthcare provider can guide you on eliminating earwax buildup. Here are a few inquiries you might consider asking:
Do my ears produce an excessive amount of earwax?
What is the safest and most effective way to clean my ears?
Can I avoid the buildup of earwax?
What home remedies do you suggest?
Is professional earwax removal necessary?
Should I regularly have earwax extracted?
Additional Common Questions
Is it safe to use cotton swabs to eliminate surplus earwax?
Many individuals use cotton swabs for ear cleaning. However, studies indicate that cotton swabs can actually increase earwax production. This occurs because cotton swabs stimulate the delicate hairs within your ear canal. When these hairs are stimulated, they send signals to the glands inside your ear canal to produce more earwax.
What other things should I steer clear of when addressing earwax impaction?
Do not use suction devices intended for home use (like Wax-Vac). They are generally ineffective for most people, and most healthcare professionals do not endorse them.
Ear candles, marketed as a natural method for earwax removal, are ineffective. They can also lead to injuries such as burns to your outer ear and ear canal. They might even perforate (tear) your eardrum.
A note from Cleveland Clinic
Keep in mind, earwax itself is not detrimental. It serves to clean your ears and protects them from infections. Nevertheless, if earwax accumulates, it can lead to problems such as irritation, itchiness, and hearing loss. It is safe only to clean the exterior of your ears and to use drops or water for softening earwax. Always consult your healthcare provider to remove earwax using a suitable instrument.
How do you unblock ear wax at home?
To eliminate earwax accumulation:
Rest on your side with the ear in question oriented upward.
Place 2 to 3 drops of olive or almond oil into your ear – avoid almond oil if you’re allergic to almonds.
Remain on your side for 5 to 10 minutes after applying the oil.
Do this 3 to 4 times daily, for 3 to 5 days.
How do I unclog my ear from wax?
Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 2 ounces of warm water. If you possess a dropper bottle, transfer the solution into it. Lean your head to the side and carefully drop 5 to 10 drops of the solution into your ear, 1 drop at a time. Allow the solution to remain in the ear for as long as 1 hour, then rinse with water.
What dissolves ear wax blockage?
Your healthcare provider can additionally remove the wax by using a syringe that contains warm water and saline or diluted hydrogen peroxide. Prescription ear drops might also be suggested to assist in softening the wax, like carbamide peroxide (Debrox Earwax Removal Kit, Murine Ear Wax Removal System).
How do you remove impacted ear wax?
How is impacted earwax managed?
Medications instilled into the ear canal, to soften the earwax and gradually dissolve it.
Irrigation of the ear canal with water in your provider’s office.
Manual extraction, utilizing specialized instruments in your provider’s office.
How do I remove wax stuck in my ear?
You may also mix hydrogen peroxide with the same amount of room temperature water. Administer 2 drops of the solution, heated to body temperature, in the ear twice daily for a maximum of 5 days. When the wax becomes loose and soft, typically a gentle, warm shower is sufficient to clear it from the ear canal.
Can coconut oil remove ear wax?
Ear drops by themselves frequently eliminate a blockage of wax. Drops can be purchased at drugstores. For instance, sodium bicarbonate or olive oil can be obtained without a prescription. Coconut or almond oil may be utilized as a substitute provided you do not have a nut allergy.
How to open a blocked ear?
If your ears are blocked, attempt swallowing, yawning, or chewing sugarless gum to clear your eustachian tubes. If this does not help, take a deep breath and gently blow out through your nose while pinching your nostrils shut and keeping your mouth closed. If you hear a popping sound, you know you have been successful.
How to massage ear wax out?
Position yourself in a comfortable manner, whether you are sitting or standing. Situate your index and middle fingers behind your earlobe, close to the base of your ear. Use gentle pressure and perform slow, circular movements to assist in loosening the earwax. While you are massaging, incorporate some gentle tugging on your earlobe.
How do you get rid of earwax in 30 seconds?
Soak a cotton ball in the hydrogen peroxide. Tilt your head and let the peroxide drip into your ear. You might hear it fizz as it works to dissolve the earwax. After approximately 30 seconds, let your ear drain onto a washcloth.
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