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High Blood Pressure: Prevention, Treatment and Research
We all experience “blood pressure. ” This term simply describes how blood exerts force against the artery walls when your heart pumps. Nonetheless, one in three Indians adults suffers from a potentially hazardous condition called high blood pressure, also referred to as hypertension. For individuals with high blood pressure, blood flows more forcefully through the arteries than is normal.

It is typical for blood pressure to rise during exercise or stressful situations. However, when the pressure remains elevated even while at rest, and stays high for an extended period, it can lead to the stretching and damage of your arteries. The resulting health issues from high blood pressure may include heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney damage, vision impairment, and cognitive decline and memory loss.
Adopting a healthy lifestyle is regarded as the most effective approach to keep blood pressure within the recommended range. Here’s how to achieve this:
Maintain a healthy weight
The greater your body mass index (BMI), the higher your chances of developing high blood pressure. Discover your BMI from your doctor and strive to achieve the normal weight range for your height.
Monitor your blood pressure.
“Measure your blood pressure at home frequently and bring a blood pressure log of your readings to the doctor,” advises Blaha. It’s particularly crucial to check it often if you’re over 40, overweight, inactive, or have a family history of heart disease or high blood pressure.
Consume heart-healthy foods.
This entails a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, while being low in sodium and alcohol. Obtain practical suggestions for heart-healthy eating in Eat Smart.
Exercise regularly or maintain your fitness.
Staying active aids in weight management and decreases your risk of various heart issues.
Avoid smoking,
or if you currently smoke, quit. Smoking harms blood vessels.
Discover healthy techniques to handle stress.
Numerous individuals find yoga, meditation, music, and tai chi beneficial.
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A blood pressure measurement consists of two figures: systolic (“sis-TOL-ick,” the first or top figure in a reading) and diastolic (“dye-a-STOL-ick,” the second or bottom figure in a reading). Systolic pressure represents the force of blood against the artery walls when the heart contracts to pump blood. Systolic pressure is consistently the higher figure. Diastolic pressure refers to the pressure on the arteries between heartbeats, while the heart is relaxed. The measurement unit is in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).
Optimal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg (known as “120 over 80”) or less. High blood pressure is classified for adults as having systolic pressure exceeding 140 or diastolic pressure exceeding 90. Typically, a diagnosis of high blood pressure occurs when you have elevated readings on three separate occasions within one week. Some individuals experience fluctuating blood pressure, while others suffer from what is termed “white coat hypertension”—increased readings due to anxiety in a medical setting, according to Blaha. You might be instructed to use a portable blood pressure monitor to obtain a precise reading.
Fewer than half of individuals with high blood pressure manage to control it effectively. However, if the issue is identified early and addressed appropriately, the prognosis is favorable.
At times, high blood pressure can be managed exclusively through lifestyle modifications, which serve as the initial strategy. In other situations, treatment may necessitate both a nutritious lifestyle and medications, as stated by Blaha.
To reduce blood pressure, you should:
Adhere to your doctor’s advice. For those diagnosed with high blood pressure, the aim is to maintain blood pressure below 140/90. (For individuals with diabetes or chronic kidney conditions, the target may be 130/80)
Lose some weight. If you are overweight or obese, losing 5 percent to 10 percent of your weight within the first year of treatment can diminish your risk of health complications. Reduce sodium in your diet. Strive to keep daily intake below 1,500 mg. Be cautious with specific processed foods, such as baked items, breakfast cereals, muffins, and cakes—they make up 75 percent of the sodium in many diets.
Increase your consumption of potassium-rich foods. This nutrient can mitigate sodium’s effects. Excellent sources of potassium include sweet potatoes, spinach and other greens, bananas, mushrooms, raisins and dates, and lima beans and peas. It is advisable to refrain from taking any potassium supplements or salt substitutes (which frequently have potassium) without your doctor’s approval.
Follow an overall heart-healthy diet. A Mediterranean-style diet is suggested for cardiovascular health. A very similar option, known as the DASH Diet, decreases sodium intake while focusing on fruits and vegetables and less saturated fat; it is frequently recommended for individuals with high blood pressure. (DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. )
Be more active. A sound guideline is to aim for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (brisk walking, running, swimming) on most days each week. If you are starting with exercise, consult your doctor before beginning any workout regimen.
Stop smoking.
Discuss with your doctor possible support programs that may assist.
Take medications as directed.
Because antihypertensive medications function differently, you may be prescribed several.
Living With.
Managing your blood pressure requires a long-term commitment. After a diagnosis, most individuals will need continuous treatment for life. However, the benefits include enhanced overall health and a lower chance of severe heart issues, such as stroke and heart attack. Besides maintaining healthy lifestyle practices: Inform your physician right away if you experience any side effects from blood pressure medications. Follow medication instructions properly and never stop taking them without consulting your physician.
Be aware of the signs indicating excessively high blood pressure. Generally, this condition has no symptoms, but in severe situations of dangerously elevated blood pressure, an individual might experience ringing in the ears, dizziness, headaches, nosebleeds, tingling or numbness in hands and feet, drowsiness, or confusion.
Discover how to measure your blood pressure at home. It is straightforward to learn, devices are easily obtainable at pharmacies and other locations, and your physician can demonstrate the process, Blaha explains.
Researchers and clinicians at Johns Hopkins are continually investigating methods to prevent and manage high blood pressure and its impacts. Among their significant findings:
Antihypertensive medications might aid in preserving cognitive abilities in individuals with high blood pressure. Researchers at Johns Hopkins led a study indicating that hypertension during midlife increases the likelihood of memory issues in later years. However, if treated promptly, this risk may be reduced.
Increased weight and weight increase elevate the chances of developing high blood pressure. This is particularly true from young adulthood to midlife. A study conducted at Johns Hopkins helped reinforce the connection between high body mass index and high blood pressure.
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