Symptoms Of Diabetic Nerve Pain In Toes-one of the symptoms of neuropathy in diabetes
Symptoms Of Diabetic Nerve Pain In the Toes is described in detail in the article given below .Besides affecting the hands and feet Diabetes can also cause problems with the digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels & cardiovascular system.
When the patient’s blood sugar level/blood sugar level remains high for a long time, the blood vessels in the body that feed the nerves themselves will be damaged. When these blood vessels themselves are damaged, the nerves in the patient’s body will automatically get damaged. The end result of the damage to these nerves can be felt by the patient in his/her legs/feet and in his/her hands which is described in detail in this article-Symptoms of diabetic nerve pain in toes. In some cases, the nerves that are damaged due to damage to the blood vessels supplying them. As a result, the functioning of the vital organs of the patient’s body will get disrupted due to the damage as the various organs are supplied by these nerves. Nerve damage caused by diabetes is called diabetic neuropathy. Some reports mention that neuropathy is present in up to 50% of people with diabetes.Diabetic neuropathy symptoms take a long time to develop and that also in neglected cases when early diagnosis and treatment is not started.
Symptoms of diabetic nerve pain in toes
Loss of a toe, foot or leg. Nerve damage can cause a loss of feeling in the feet due to nerve damage, so even minor cuts can turn into sores or ulcers without being known by the individual. In severe cases, an infection can spread to the bone or lead to tissue death.If gangrene occurs removal (amputation) of a toe, foot or even part of the leg may be necessary.
Diabetic neuropathy most often damages nerves in the legs and feet. Depending on the affected nerves, diabetic neuropathy symptoms include pain and numbness in the legs, feet and hands. It can also cause problems with the digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels and cardiac problems .
According to Statistics of diabetes in the world in 2021, – approximately 537 million adults (20-79 years) are living with diabetes. The total number of people living with diabetes is projected to rise to 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045. 3 in 4 adults with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries.
Patients with high blood sugar can experience a variety of health conditions, including diabetic nerve pain, often seen in the feet and legs first-which is an important aspect of symptoms of diabetic nerve pain in toes.
If an individual with diabetes has experienced a tingling, burning sensation in his hands or feet, he may be suffering from diabetic nerve pain.First random blood sugar and then SOS fasting and post prandial blood sugar is done,followed by consultation with physician (MD General Medicine) doctor.Consultation is required if more than normal range blood sugar is obtained.
Diabetic nerve pain or “damaged nerves” are a result of an injury or disease. The restriction of blood flow to the damaged nerves leads to the chronic, debilitating pain. Nerve pain can make doing the simplest things very painful. All this develops after a prolonged period as mentioned earlier in this article.If any of these symptoms as in the above parygraph are seen then suspicion of symptoms of diabetic nerve pain in toes should be borne in mind.
There are various types of diabetes mellitus types out of which the main types are discussed below –
1-Type 1 diabetes.-It is also called juvenile diabetes.
Treatment can help in this case but it cannot be cured. It is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produce little or no insulin. It is a kind of autoimmune disorder in which autoantibodies develop which destroy the beta cells of islets of Langerhans that produce insulin. This occurs at a very early age and insulin has to be administered to such patients.
2-Type 2 diabetes.- In this there is impairment in the way which our body regulates and uses glucose as a fuel.
For details of symptoms of diabetes pl click on the link given at the bottom of this article
Now, if there is too much sugar in the blood, this can lead to complications, such as diabetes. Often times affecting the kidneys, heart, nerves and eyes. Diabetes affects as many as 29 million people in the U.S. More than 8 million people are either unaware or have yet to be diagnosed with the condition.
Patients with high blood sugar can experience a variety of health conditions, including diabetic nerve pain, often seen in the feet and legs first.Symptoms of diabetic nerve pain in toes do not develop immediately,but they develop in prolonged untreated cases of diabetes
Here are the common symptoms of diabetic nerve pain in toes-
Sharp and burning pain
Pins and needles pain
Deformities on the foot (i.e. hammertoe)
Sores or blisters
Sensitivity to touch
Tingling or stabbing pain
Diabetic nerve pain will varies from individual to individual depending on the severity of nerve damage. For those suffering with sensitivity to touch, trying to get a good night’s rest may be difficult.
There is difficulty in standing or walking and also difficulty in picking up a spoon or fork while eating meal .The individual may drop items frequently. This is attributed to diabetic nerve pain.
Frequent observation should be done for feet and hands. It is even difficult to know for the individual whether he is holding a particular object is hot or cold. Such individual can even burn himself .
Intraneural Facilitation or INF™ is available for patients suffering with chronic nerve pain as a result of diabetes, chemotherapy or sports injuries. This new therapy brings blood flow back to the nerves by opening the arteries in your hands and feet.Intraneural Facilitation provides a new ray of hope for Symptoms of diabetic nerve pain in toes.
For details regarding symptoms of diabetes pl click on the link given below
For details regarding eitiology, investigations, treatment of diabetes, insulin, diabetic diet pl click on the link given below
For details on effects of diabetes on the nervous system pl click on the link given below
For effects of diabetes on the gastrointestinal system pl click on the link given below
For effects of diabetes on skin -Part -1,pl click on the link give below
For effects of diabetes on skin part -2 pl click on the link given below
What does diabetic neuropathy in toes feel like ?
How do I know if my diabetes is affecting my toes ?
How do you know if you have neuropathy in your toes ?
Answers for all these questions above are give in detail in the article Symptoms of diabetic nerve pain in toes mentioned above,also pl click the links given near the bottom of this article to understand the subject in a better way.