Signs of hypertension and treatment of hypertension -Severe headache,nose bleeds,fatigue,confusion,vision problems,chest pain dyspnoe,e.t.c-all signs of hypertension and tratment of hypertension are described in detail in this article.This topic has many important perspectives .These are discussed in detail in this article.
Hypertension is said to be a silent killer.
In early stage there are no symptoms of hypertension.
Heart disease and stroke are resulted only in prolonged ,untreated cases.
In early ,mild cases of hypertension there are no clinical features such as headache, epistaxis (Epistaxis is bleeding through the nose which occurs when the blood pressure rises to very high levels due to which the capillaries of the asal septum cannot withstand so much high blood pressure and they rupture resulting in bleeding through the nose) , giddiness.
So there are no warning signs at all in early mild hypertension. So our suggestion is that any individual of or above 40 yrs of age should get his blood pressure checked by a qualified and experienced MD General medicine specialist doctor.
Just as we have mentioned in our article on symptoms of diabetes on that all individual of or above the age of 40 yrs should get their Random blood sugar done, whether or not he has any symptoms. As we should not wait for the day when symptoms arise, rather we should know the things well in advance rather than face the problem when it is too late. helps to increase the awareness among the people. So you may visit this website every 10-15 days as new health related articles are posted in it in this duration by MD General Medicine and ENT specialist doctors. is the link for this website.
You can purchase automatic BP measuring instrument at home -Trade name -Omron-is very popular in India.
Normal range of systolic blood pressure should not be more than 120 mm Hg and normal diastolic blood pressure should be below 80 mm Hg.
At risk or prehypertension means systolic blood pressure of
120-139 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure between 80-89 mm Hg . If systolic blood pressure is 140 my Hug or more and if diastolic blood pressure is 90 mm Hg or more then it is hypertension .
Headache ,epistaxis occur in hypertensive crises.
Hypertensive crisis occurs when the systolic blood pressure rises above 180 mm Hg and the diastolic blood pressure rises above 120 mmHg .
Epistaxis ,headache,chest,pain, seizures ,difficulties in breathing, bleeding through urine, irregular heartbeat, pounding in neck, ears, chest, dizziness, nervousness,bleeding spots in eyes, facial flushing, sweating,organ damage, pulmonary oedema, heart attack, bleeding into brain(stroke),aneurysm (aortic dissection), can occur in this situation.
In such cases an ambulance should be called for which has oxygen facility, with minimum 2 wardboys and attitude to shift the patient in hospital of a qualified and experienced MD General Medicine doctors.
SCAD-Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is a condition which can occur in cases of extreme hypertension in which there is tear of coronary artery-thereby reducing the blood supply to the heart.
Symptoms of SCAD are almost same as myocardial infarction.
In such cases, an ambulance should be called which has an oxygen facility, with minimum 2 ward boys and attitude to shift the patient in the hospital of a qualified and experienced MD General Medicine doctor.
A brief introduction to Hypertension-
What is blood pressure?
Basically, all have blood pressure.
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the flowing blood on the walls of the blood vessels. It also helps to counteract the atmospheric blood pressure which is acting on us.
In India when we say that some individual has blood pressure problem then it means that his blood pressure is elevated.
Blood pressure should always remain in the normal range. If it is above or below the normal range, it can cause problems. Hypertension means elevated blood pressure .Diastolic blood pressure increases as the resistance of peripheral blood vessels increases due to increase in hardness, decrease in elasticity ,elevated cholesterol levels elevated blood sugar levels and various other reasons that we can discuss later in this article.
Treatment of hypertension.-
Life style change is important in this.
Hurry, worry and curry are the three things that should be avoided.
Nowadays all want to achieve success in very small amount of time.
Perseverance and patience are not known or acceptable to most of the people.
Certain philosophy things are also important in this.
Always do the ethical things.
People doing unethical things, for them their inner subconsciousness always does criticism to them.
So although they may become successful, they never become happy.
On the contrary an individual doing ethical things may not earn much in life, but definitely he has got peace of mind.
Always try to remain satisfactory in life.
Our work is to do efforts only, whether we will receive reward order not it is entirely in the hands of God, so always do ethical things and forget about the result .
Afterall if you have lot of wealth but no health then the wealth is totally useless.
Peace of mind is extremely important in life.
Physical exercise –
High intensity exercise for 75 minutes per week
OR 150 minutes moderate exercise per week is recommended for hypertension patients.
Before that aged patients or patients above age of 40 yrs should undergo an ECG, or Stress ECG to avoid untoward things, as per consultantation of your qualified and experienced MD General Medicine doctor.
Activities suggested -walking at least 45 minutes per day
Swimming .
Stress relaxation techniques like-
To give up addictions like
Running behind addictions to reduce stress should be avoided
These things can elevate the blood pressure.
Smoking can also result in heart problems .
Investigations in hypertension-
For investigations in hypertension pl click on this link given below
Treatment of hypertension –
Nowadays we find people making diagnosis and treatment directly from Google -which should not be done at all.
These things are just to increase your knowledge.
We always recommend treatment from qualified experienced MD General Medicine doctor.
Medications for hypertension –
Beta blockers,
Central agonists,
Calcium channel blockers ,vasodilators,
Ace inhibitors,
Blood pressure should always remain in the normal range. If it is above or below the normal range, it can cause problems. Hypertension means elevated blood pressure .Diastolic blood pressure increases as the resistance of peripheral blood vessels increases due to increase in hardness, decrease in elasticity ,elevated cholesterol levels elevated blood sugar levels and various other reasons that we can discuss later in this article.
For further details pl go through our article on signs of hypertension and treatment of hypertension which will be coming soon.