How To Stop Dry Cough At Night


How To Stop Dry Cough At Night-various aspects-

To alleviate a dry cough at night, consider staying hydrated, utilizing a humidifier, raising your head while you sleep, and think about using honey or cough drops.

Home Remedies for Dry Cough: Natural Relief & Causes Explained | Max Hospital

Here’s a more comprehensive outline of effective methods:
1. Hydration:
Consume plenty of fluids: Staying hydrated assists in thinning mucus and calming irritated airways.
Hot drinks: Think about warm tea with honey or lemon, or hot broth.
2. Humidify the Air:
Utilize a humidifier: A cool-mist humidifier introduces moisture into the air, which can soothe nasal passages and mitigate dry coughs.
Steam from a warm shower: Enjoying a steamy shower prior to bedtime can also be beneficial.
3. Elevate Your Head:
Rest with your head elevated: This can help avert mucus from collecting in your throat and lessen coughing triggered by post-nasal drip or acid reflux.
Employ extra pillows: Elevating your upper body can facilitate easier breathing.
4. Soothe Your Throat:
Honey: A teaspoon of honey before sleeping can alleviate a sore throat and stifle coughs.
Cough drops: Sucking on a cough drop can aid in soothing an irritated throat and enhance saliva production.
Saltwater gargle: Gargling with warm salt water can assist in clearing airway congestion.
5. Other Tips:
Steer clear of irritants:
Attempt to refrain from smoking or being around smoke, dust, or other allergens that may incite coughing.
Consider peppermint tea:
Peppermint tea can assist in soothing an inflamed throat.
Turmeric, recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties, can serve as a beneficial remedy for dry cough.
Remain upright after eating:
Refrain from lying down right after eating, as this can exacerbate acid reflux and coughing.
Consult a doctor:
If your cough continues or worsens, seek medical guidance to identify the underlying issue and suitable treatment.

If Any Patient of ENT Requires Any Surgery, Opd Consultation Or Online Consultation In Clinic of  ENT Specialist Doctor Dr. Sagar Rajkuwar ,He May Contact Him At The Following Address-
Prabha ENT Clinic, Plot no 345,Saigram Colony, Opposite Indoline Furniture Ambad Link Road ,Ambad ,1 km From Pathardi Phata Nashik ,422010 ,Maharashtra, India-Dr. Sagar Rajkuwar (MS-ENT), Cell No- 7387590194, 9892596635 

A cough may intensify during the night while you are lying down. Natural solutions for a nighttime cough comprise elevating your head and utilizing a humidifier. Certain causes will require medical attention.

Nighttime coughing may begin as a bothersome sensation in your throat and can escalate into a severe coughing episode that prevents you from sleeping. It can interrupt your rest and influence how you feel throughout the daytime as well.

This article investigates the reasons behind nighttime coughing and provides some suggestions on how to alleviate it.

What leads to coughing?

Coughing serves as the body’s method for clearing the lungs and airways of unwanted substances, according to Sagar Rajkuwar. “It’s a reflux response triggered by irritants such as dust, smoke, pollution, or mucus entering the body,” she states.

Causes of Coughing: How to Stop, Coughing at Night, and More

Coughs may also stem from viral or bacterial respiratory illnesses, like pneumonia, whooping cough, and croup.

These ailments can lead to inflammation that increases and thickens the natural mucus within the body. This excess mucus results in coughing.

Asthma and allergies may trigger coughing as a result of inflammation, she notes.

Additional common reasons consist of:

taking certain medications
heart failure
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
lower or upper respiratory infections
lung disease
damage to vocal cords
sleep apnea
Individuals who smoke face an elevated risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which encompasses chronic bronchitis and emphysema. COPD can lead to coughing due to the damage of lung tissue.

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What causes a dry cough at night?

How to stop coughing
Coughing is a biological process that the body employs to expel undesired elements in the airways. Halting a cough when it occurs will not yield a lasting fix. The key is to tackle the root cause.

Below are 20 strategies for addressing the root cause of coughs.

1. Avoid allergens

Steering clear of allergens such as dust and pollen can assist in preventing coughing in individuals with allergies and sensitivities.

If you’re uncertain whether you have an allergy, you might want to seek advice from a healthcare professional like an allergist or consider trying an at-home allergy test.

2. Rid your home of dust

Maintaining your living space free of common allergens such as dust, dust mites, and pollen can aid in reducing the likelihood of coughing.

Strategies to help keep irritants at bay include:

vacuuming frequently
cleaning curtains and linens often
replacing carpets and rugs with hard flooring
opting for blinds instead of curtains

3. Use air filters to allergy-proof your bedroom

A HEPA air filter can assist in making your bedroom less hospitable to mites.

Additional tactics include:

utilizing allergy covers for pillowcases, duvets, mattresses, and box springs to help lower and prevent dust mites
washing bedding in hot water weekly
keeping pets out of the bedroom

4. Manage asthma

Asthma leads to the airways becoming constricted and inflamed. A dry cough is a prevalent symptom of asthma.

If your cough feels dry and you occasionally experience difficulty breathing, consult with a physician or another healthcare provider. You might require a prescription inhaler to manage asthma.

5. Shut windows

This can help reduce the likelihood of coughing when pollen levels are elevated or when there’s significant dust in the air.

6. Avoid polluted areas when possible

Exposure to pollution is a frequent trigger for coughing.

According to the World Bank Group, over 90 percent of the world’s population comes into contact with polluted air annually, making it challenging to completely avoid polluted areas.

However, if you have a chronic cough, consider checking the Air Quality Index at AirNow. gov to determine if you need to take additional precautions.

7. Tackle GERD

GERD is a long-term cause of acid reflux and nighttime coughing.

Strategies for managing GERD symptoms include:

consulting a physician about medications
adhering to medical advice from a healthcare professional
maintaining a food journal to help identify foods that worsen symptoms

8. Incline your bed

Lying down facilitates stomach acid’s return to your esophagus. Thus, it is advisable to wait at least 2. 5 hours after eating before lying flat. Elevating the head of your bed by 6–8 inches may be beneficial.

Individuals with GERD are not the only ones who can gain from sleeping at an incline. Lifting the head at night can aid in controlling several types of cough.

It is easier for irritants to reach your throat and prompt coughing when in a horizontal position.

Methods for achieving this include using wedge pillows or investing in an adjustable mattress or bed.

9. Exterminate cockroaches

The saliva, feces, and body parts of cockroaches can lead to coughing and various allergy responses.

Prevent cockroaches from infesting your home by:

keeping food storage containers tightly sealed to make them less appealing to cockroaches
clearing away stacks of newspapers and magazines that collect dust and provide hiding spots for cockroaches
hiring a pest control expert to eradicate an infestation

10. Utilize a humidifier

Dry, warm air can dehydrate your throat and airways, making you more susceptible to coughing episodes. Many individuals notice their cough intensifies when they activate their heating system during winter.

Operating a humidifier that emits a cool mist can help maintain moisture in the air within your bedroom and throat.

11. Get treatment for a sinus infection

Sinus infections can lead to postnasal drip, particularly when lying down. This can irritate the back of your throat and trigger a cough.

Prescription antibiotics can assist in resolving a sinus infection and eliminate both the drip and the cough.

12. Employ a neti pot

A neti pot is effective for rinsing the nasal passages, which can alleviate congestion. However, it is crucial to adhere to the instructions meticulously, as improper use may heighten the riskTrusted Source of infections.

13. Consume honey

“Ingesting 2 to 3 teaspoons of honey before going to bed may assist in loosening mucus in your throat,” says Casusi.

Another option is to combine 2 teaspoons of honey with caffeine-free tea, like herbal tea.

However, never give honey to children under 1 year of age due to the potential risk of botulism.

14. Drink lemon juice

Lemon juice possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Mixing a bit in water might provide relief from a cough, provided that you do not have GERD, according to Casusi.

Alternatively, blend several beneficial ingredients into a delightful hot drink with lemon juice, ginger, warm water, and honey.

15. Consider pineapple

A 2016 studyTrusted Source indicates that bromelain, an enzyme contained in pineapples, may assist in thinning mucus and lessening coughing.

Try consuming pineapple or sipping pineapple juice.

16. Gargle with salt water

Gargling with a saltwater solution can aid in clearing out airway congestion and help alleviate coughs caused by asthma, allergies, and infections.

To create a saltwater gargle, combine a half teaspoon of salt into 8 ounces of warm water.

17. Use decongestants for a cold
The common cold can result in coughing.

There’s no remedy for a cold, but resting and staying hydrated can help improve your condition.

If your cough is severe and you are an adult or a child older than 6 years, decongestant sprays and cough medications may provide relief.

18. Consider using an over-the-counter medication

Over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicines can address coughing in various ways. Cough suppressants reduce the need to cough, while expectorants help thin mucus and facilitate coughing it up.

Consult a pharmacist for assistance in selecting a medication that fits your cough.

19. Receive your vaccinations

Vaccines aimed at preventing flu and COVID-19 can aid in averting these viral illnesses, both of which may lead to coughing.

20. Stay away from tobacco smoke

A chronic cough frequently results from prolonged smoking or being around secondhand smoke.

Ceasing smoking or requesting that smokers go outside can enhance your cough and overall health.

Speak with a healthcare professional if you smoke and require support to quit.

What to do if your coughing is severe

Most coughing does subside over time, but severe and persistent nighttime coughing may indicate a serious issue, such as:

Cough Drops: Ingredients, How They Work, Best Kinds

heart failure
lung cancer
A severe or continuous cough requires medical evaluation.

When to visit a doctor

You should seek medical assistance if you experience a cough and:

a fever of 100. 4°F (38°C) or higher
shortness of breath
swelling in your legs, ankles, or abdomen
chest pain
increasing quantities of phlegm
blood in your phlegm or coughing up blood
Additional advice regarding obtaining medical care includes:

visiting a doctor if you have a persistent cough that does not improve or worsens
requesting help if a cough disrupts your sleep, daily activities, and overall well-being
adhering to any treatment plan as prescribed by your doctor
finishing any course of antibiotics for a bacterial infection, even if your symptoms show improvement
returning to the doctor if any medications appear to aggravate the cough


Many of the same issues that lead to a daytime cough can also trigger a nighttime cough.

However, a cough may intensify at night due to your sleeping position, the quality of the air in your bedroom, and contact with lint, dust, pollen, and mites from your bedding.

Regardless of the cause, several home remedies and lifestyle changes can assist in easing a nighttime cough, including:

elevating your head with pillows
tilting your mattress
purchasing a humidifier
regularly washing your bedding and vacuuming your floors
keeping windows closed during times of high pollen or air pollution
If these do not provide relief, you may need to use OTC medication or consult a healthcare professional for prescription cough medicine or to address an underlying issue.

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If Any Patient of ENT Requires Any Surgery, Opd Consultation Or Online Consultation In Clinic of  ENT Specialist Doctor Dr. Sagar Rajkuwar ,He May Contact Him At The Following Address-
Prabha ENT Clinic, Plot no 345,Saigram Colony, Opposite Indoline Furniture Ambad Link Road ,Ambad ,1 km From Pathardi Phata Nashik ,422010 ,Maharashtra, India-Dr. Sagar Rajkuwar (MS-ENT), Cell No- 7387590194, 9892596635

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