Diabetes Early Signs-various aspects- Knowing early signs of diabetes is important.More important than this is health check -ups.Usually people are not ready for health check ups ,as they feel that they are totally healthy,but very mild diabetes has got no signs and symptoms.So instead of waiting for the day to come when disastrous complications arise,it is important to do periodic health check ups.Usually in olden days people above the age of 40 yrs used to do them ,but we should not be surprised nowadays if we find young people doing it.In addition to random blood sugar we recommend lipid profile,Cbc,SGOT ,SGPT ,Sr Creatinine,ECG ,2d -echo,Stress ecg in health check ups.
What symptoms indicate diabetes?- What are Diabetes Early Signs ? –The majority of the first-stage symptoms are brought on by blood glucose levels that are higher than usual.

Sometimes the warning flags are so subtle that you fail to see them. With type 2 diabetes, this is especially true. Some people don’t know they have it until they start having issues as a result of the disease’s long-term harm.
The symptoms of type 1 diabetes typically appear fast, within a few days or weeks. They are also much more severe.
Diabetes early signs-
Some of the telltale warning symptoms of both types of diabetes are the same
Hunger and exhaustion Your body transforms the food you eat into glucose, which is then used as energy by your cells. But for your cells to absorb glucose, they require insulin. You won’t have any or enough energy if your cells reject the insulin your body produces or if your body doesn’t produce any insulin at all. You may become more fatigued and hungry than normal as a result.
being thirstier and urinating more frequently The typical person typically needs to urinate four to seven times per day but those who have diabetes might go far further. Why? Normally, as glucose goes through your kidneys, your body reabsorbs it. However, when diabetes raises blood sugar levels, your kidneys might not be able to filter everything back into your body. The body produces more pee as a result, which requires fluids. As a result, you’ll need to visit more frequently. You could urinate more as well. You may become quite thirsty as a result of your frequent urination. You’ll urinate more if you consume more alcohol.
Itchy skin and a dry mouth. There is less moisture available for other things since your body is using fluids to urinate.Knowing Diabetes early signs is very important nowadays.
Your mouth could feel dry and you might become dehydrated. Your skin may itch if it is dry.
distorted vision Your eyes’ lenses could swell due to changes in your body’s fluid levels. They alter shape and lose concentration.
Diabetes early signs-
These typically appear after your blood glucose level has been elevated for a while.
Candida infections. These are available to diabetics of both sexes. Glucose is a food source for yeast, thus a plentiful supply helps it grow.
Any warm, moist fold of skin can support the growth of infections, including:
between the digits and the toes
under the bust
in or near the genitalia
slow-healing cuts or sores. High blood sugar levels over time can impair your blood flow and harm your nerves, making it difficult for your body to heal wounds.
Legs or feet that hurt or are numb. Another effect of nerve injury is this.
Related signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes include-
unanticipated weight loss
If your body can’t get energy from your food, it will start burning muscle and fat for energy instead. You may lose weight even though you haven’t changed how you eat. See which foods are high in trans fatty acids.
Nausea and vomiting. When your body resorts to burning fat, it makes ketones. These can build up in your blood to dangerous levels, a possibly life-threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis -these are not diabetes eary signs-these appear in late stages. Ketones can make you feel sick to your stomach.
Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes-these are not diabetes eary signs-these are seen after pretty long period.
High blood sugar during pregnancy usually has no symptoms. You might feel a little thirstier than normal or have to pee more often.
Your body will begin burning muscle and fat for energy if it is unable to obtain it from diet. Even when your eating habits haven’t altered, you might still lose weight. Find out which foods contain a lot of trans fatty acids.
vomiting and nauseous. Your body produces ketones when it switches to fat burning. These can accumulate in your blood to risky levels, a condition known as diabetic ketoacidosis that may be life-threatening. Your stomach may feel ill after consuming ketones.
Besides diabetes eary signs we will discuss various aspects of diabetes here.
Gestational Diabetes Symptoms
Pregnancy-related high blood sugar typically has no symptoms. You can have a slight increase in thirst or frequent urination.
Diabetes Complications Alert Signs
Complications of type 2 diabetes may show themselves as:
Slowly heaving wounds or sores
Skin itch (usually around the vaginal or groyne area)
yeast infections that are common.
recently gained weight
Acanthosis nigricans, or dark, velvety skin changes on the neck, armpits, and groins
Hands and feet that are numb and tingly
reduced vision
Inability to errect a sexual desire (ED)
Find out how you may reduce your chance of developing diabetic problems-first health check ups and thorough knowledge of diabetes eary signs.
Sluggish or impatient
Feeling faint or woozy Hungry
Your lips, tongue, or cheeks might feel tingly or numb.
You may observe:
rapid heart rate
light skin
distorted vision
Crying or nightmares during the night issues with coordination
Numerous of the above-mentioned warning signs of diabetes are brought on by hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, including:
Sugar in your urine
Weight loss
Vaginal and skin infections
Slow-healing cuts and sores
Blood glucose over 180 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl)
Diabetic Coma-this is very late stage in contrast to diabetes eary signs-
Its official name is hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNS). This serious complication can lead to diabetic coma and even death with either type of diabetes, though it’s more common in type 2. It happens when your blood sugar gets too high and your body gets severely dehydrated. Symptoms include:
more than 600 mg/dl of blood sugar
A parched, dry mouth
severe thirst
Sweating-free skin that is warm and dry
extreme fever (over 101 F)
fatigue or disorientation
loss of vision
One-sided weakness in your body
When to Contact Your Physician
It’s crucial to get checked if you’re older than 45 or at risk for diabetes in other ways. Early diagnosis allows you to prevent complications like nerve damage and heart problems.-als knowledge of diabetes-early signs is important.
Generally speaking, contact your physician if you:
Feel weak, very thirsty, and sick to your stomach. Your breathing is deeper and more rapid than usual. Your breath is sweet-smelling like nail polish remover (This is a sign of very high ketones.)