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Mastoid surgery aftercare

Mastoid surgery aftercare- various aspects- After mastoid surgery, you can anticipate experiencing some drainage and discomfort, and you must refrain from intense activity for some time. You ought to take pain medication as directed. What to expect Pain: You should expect to take pain medication as directed. Drainage: It is typical to have a light,…

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Ear wax

Ear wax-various aspects- Earwax, commonly referred to as cerumen, is a waxy substance generated in the ear canal. It serves to protect the ear by capturing dirt, dust, and other irritants. How it functions Earwax is generated by glands located in the skin of the outer ear canal. It is typically thin, clear, and watery…

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Emergency treatment for high blood pressure at home

Emergency treatment for high blood pressure at home-various-aspects- Some methods to manage high blood pressure at home consist of: Deep breathing Breathe deeply through your nose, pause for a few seconds, and slowly release the air through your mouth. Repeat for one minute. Drink water Lack of hydration can result in an increase in blood…

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High diastolic blood pressure treatment

High diastolic blood pressure treatment-various aspects- Focus on heart-healthy foods Foods that belong to a heart-healthy diet consist of: vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, and carrots fruits, such as apples, oranges, and bananas fish, especially those high in omega-3 fatty acids lean cuts of beef or pork skinless chicken or turkey eggs fat-free or low-fat…

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Immediate treatment for high blood pressure

Immediate treatment for high blood pressure-various aspects- Here are several methods to quickly reduce high blood pressure: Deep breathing: Sit in a comfortable position, shut your eyes, and take a deep breath through your nose for five seconds. Pause for one to two seconds, then breathe out slowly through your mouth for five seconds. Continue…

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High blood pressure treatment

High blood pressure treatment-various aspects– For the majority of individuals with elevated blood pressure, a healthcare provider will collaborate with you to create a treatment plan that may incorporate heart-healthy lifestyle adjustments alone or alongside medications. Your provider can assist you in managing your blood pressure and alleviating complications. They might utilize a risk calculator…

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Quick treatment of blood pressure at home

Quick treatment of blood pressure at home-various aspects-  Every third individual on the planet encounters issues with his Blood Pressure occasionally or consistently. Many of those individuals are influenced by various factors that adversely affect the functioning of the Cardiovascular System. High blood pressure is referred to as a “silent killer” because, in most cases,…

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Early signs of diabetic coma

Early signs of diabetic coma-various aspects- Introduction-What is diabetic coma ? A diabetic coma represents a critical medical emergency that leads an individual with diabetes to lose consciousness: Explanation A diabetic coma can happen when blood sugar levels reach dangerous highs (hyperglycemia) or dangerous lows (hypoglycemia). It’s a complicated condition that may arise from various complications,…

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Early signs of diabetic retinopathy

Early signs of diabetic retinopathy-various aspects- Diabetic retinopathy frequently lacks early symptoms. Nonetheless, some Early signs of diabetic retinopathy are: Vision alterations: Difficulty reading or seeing distant objects, or challenges in low-light conditions Floaters: Dark spots or strings that seem to drift in your field of vision Blurred sight: Blurry or double vision, or vision…

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Diabetic foot early signs

Diabetic foot early signs-various aspects- Diabetic foot early signs  consist of: Discomfort: Discomfort, burning sensation, or tingling in the feet Dermatological changes: Dry, fissured skin, glossy skin, or thinning hair on the feet Inflammation: Enlarged feet or blisters filled with fluid Foot contour: A modification in the shape of the feet over time Toenail issues:…

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Lingual Tonsillectomy

Lingual tonsillectomy-various aspects-   A lingual tonsillectomy is a surgical operation aimed at removing excessive tissue or decreasing the size of the tongue to enhance breathing during sleep. It is carried out inside the mouth, with no external cuts required. A lingual tonsillectomy is utilized to address:- Obstructive sleep apnea- Lingual tonsil hypertrophy can result in obstructive sleep apnea, and a lingual tonsillectomy can provide assistance. In case if you are suffering from obstructive sleep apnoea  ,you need to consult a qualified and experienced  ENT specialist doctor or a Chest physician/Pulmonologist. Briefly speaking if a patient of…

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Tonsillectomy diet day by day for child

Tonsillectomy diet day by day for child-various aspects- Child’s diet following a tonsillectomy must consist of clear liquids for the initial 24 hours, transitioned to soft foods that are easy to swallow: Day 1–2: Clear fluids such as water, apple juice, and flavored ice pops to avert dehydration Day 2–3: Cold and soothing items like…