How Much Do Antibiotics Cost For Strep Throat


How Much Do Antibiotics Cost For Strep Throat-various aspects-

The price of antibiotics for strep throat can vary based on the specific antibiotic and your insurance status.
Antibiotics for strep throat

Best Antibiotics for Strep Throat: What You Need to Know
Image of Antibiotics For Strep Throat

Amoxicillin: A penicillin-class antibiotic that may cost as little as ₹600.
Penicillin G benzathine (Bicillin L-A): A penicillin-class antibiotic that is offered as an injection.
Cephalexin: A cephalosporin-class antibiotic that serves as an alternative to penicillin.
Cefadroxil: A cephalosporin-class antibiotic.

Cost factors

Insurance: Antibiotics tend to be more costly without insurance coverage.
Market demand: Increased demand or limited supply can raise antibiotic prices.
Type of antibiotic: Certain antibiotics, such as cephalosporins, tend to be pricier than others.


You must obtain a prescription from a physician to purchase antibiotics.


Adults typically take 500 mg of amoxicillin orally twice each day for a duration of 10 days. Children generally take 250 mg orally 2 to 3 times per day for 10 days.

Most of the time, a sore throat results from a viral infection. However, strep throat is prevalent, and it’s caused by a bacterium known as group A Streptococcus. Children aged between 5 and 15 years are the most likely to develop strep throat. Nevertheless, adults can also contract strep throat, particularly if they interact with children.

Individuals who contract strep throat frequently become ill suddenly, experiencing fever and throat pain overnight. Strep throat can be quite painful and can make it difficult to eat, drink, and swallow.

Strep throat typically improves on its own after a few days. However, without antibiotic treatment, strep throat may result in severe health complications such as ear and neck abscesses, joint infections, kidney issues, neuropsychiatric disorders, and a heart condition known as rheumatic fever.

Treatment with antibiotics can avert these complications. If you have been recently diagnosed with strep throat, here are five antibiotics that may treat your strep throat.

How much are Antibiotics for strep throat?

How much does penicillin cost?
Generic penicillin quantity and form Dose Average retail price

Generic Penicillin Quantity And Form Dose Average retail price
20 tablets 250 mg ₹939.6
28 tablets 250 mg ₹1150
40 tablets 250 mg ₹1542
20 tablets 500 mg ₹1720

1. Penicillin

Penicillin vs. Amoxicillin for Strep Throat: Which Is Better? - GoodRx
Image of Antibiotics for strep throat


Penicillin, the first true antibiotic, was identified in 1928. And in spite of antibiotic resistance, penicillin can still be utilized to treat strep throat. Penicillin V is available either as a pill or a liquid (suspension). For strep throat, you must take penicillin either 2 or 3 times daily for 10 days.

There are numerous advantages to using penicillin for strep throat. Penicillin possesses a narrow range of activity. This indicates that while it will eliminate any strep bacteria, it won’t significantly harm the other healthy bacteria residing in your gut. This reduces the risk of antibiotic resistance and additional antibiotic side effects like stomach upset and diarrhea. Another advantage is that penicillin is quite inexpensive.

Penicillin is also offered in an injectable form, known as Penicillin G. You just require a single injection of penicillin to address strep throat. Penicillin G might be a suitable choice for individuals who struggle with obtaining, consuming, or storing medication. However, injectable penicillin is pricier and may be difficult to locate. It can also lead to reactions at the injection site, causing it to be a less favored choice compared to the pill or liquid versions.

2. Amoxicillin

Antibiotics For Pediatric Respiratory Tract Infections In The Era Of Amoxicillin Shortages
Image of Antibiotics for strep throat


Amoxicillin is an antibiotic that is comparable to penicillin and is available in both pill and liquid formats. It can be utilized to address strep throat and other frequent infections such as ear infections. Penicillin is equally effective as amoxicillin in treating strep throat. However, individuals often favor amoxicillin for two main reasons:

You only need to take amoxicillin 1 to 2 times daily for a duration of 10 days to manage strep throat. Thus, if you struggle with remembering to take medications multiple times each day (as many people experience), you might favor amoxicillin.
Amoxicillin liquid has a better taste compared to penicillin liquid. The enhanced flavor makes amoxicillin a more suitable choice for children and individuals who cannot swallow pills.

3. Cephalexin

Cephalexin (Keflex): Uses, Side Effects, Dosage & More - GoodRx
Image of Antibiotics for strep throat

Cephalexin is a widely used antibiotic that can address a variety of bacterial infections. It is available in both pill and liquid forms. For strep throat, you will need to take cephalexin two times daily over a period of 10 days.

Cephalexin has a broader range of effectiveness than penicillin and amoxicillin, which may contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance. For this reason, cephalexin is not typically the first choice of antibiotic for strep throat. However, cephalexin is prescribed for strep throat in instances where individuals have a mild penicillin allergy, as they are unable to take penicillin or amoxicillin for treatment.

Cephalexin belongs to a category of antibiotics referred to as cephalosporins. Other cephalosporins can also treat strep throat. If cephalexin is unavailable, healthcare providers might prescribe an alternative cephalosporin antibiotic to address strep throat, such as cefdinir (Omnicef).

4. Azithromycin (Z-Pack)

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Image of Antibiotics for strep throat

Azithromycin (Zithromax) is another widely used antibiotic that is part of a class known as macrolides. It is available in both pill and liquid forms. Unlike the other antibiotics used for treating strep throat, azithromycin, or a Z-Pak, must only be taken once a day for 5 days. The shorter treatment duration and single daily dose make azithromycin an appealing option. However, there is increasing antibiotic resistance to azithromycin, indicating it may not always be effective in resolving strep throat.

For this reason, azithromycin is used solely in circumstances where individuals cannot take penicillin, amoxicillin, or cephalosporins. Those with severe penicillin allergies or who have experienced anaphylaxis in response to penicillin or cephalosporins may be prescribed azithromycin. Individuals with severe delayed reactions to penicillin could also be given azithromycin.

Clarithromycin is an additional macrolide antibiotic that can be utilized to treat strep throat in individuals with severe penicillin allergies. However, clarithromycin is not as commonly chosen as azithromycin because it tends to induce more gastrointestinal distress.

5. Clindamycin

Clindamycin Capsules Store At Cool And Dry Place.

Clindamycin (Cleocin) is the last antibiotic option available for treating strep throat. It is accessible as both a liquid or a pill. Individuals need to take clindamycin three times each day for a period of 10 days to address strep throat.

Clindamycin is not frequently prescribed for strep throat for various reasons:

It may result in side effects such as diarrhea and stomach discomfort.
The liquid version has a very strong flavor, making it unappealing to children and those who cannot swallow pills.
The bacteria that leads to strep throat is becoming resistant to clindamycin, indicating that the antibiotic may not effectively cure strep throat. Clindamycin is frequently used as a last-resort option. Individuals who cannot take penicillin, amoxicillin, or cephalosporins might require clindamycin.

When do individuals begin to feel better after initiating antibiotics for strep throat? Most individuals start to feel an improvement 24 to 48 hours after commencing antibiotics for strep throat. However, it may take 2 to 5 days for the symptoms of strep throat to disappear entirely. Be sure to complete all doses of the prescribed antibiotic, even if you feel improved after just a few days.

If your symptoms worsen or have not begun to improve after 48 hours on antibiotics — you should consult a healthcare professional immediately.

Strep throat is contagious. You should refrain from attending work and school until the antibiotics have had a chance to work so you do not transmit the bacteria to others. You can go back to work or school once your fever has subsided and you have been taking antibiotics for 12 to 24 hours.

What home remedies are suggested for treating strep throat? There are no home remedies that can cure strep throat. If you are diagnosed with strep throat, a prescribed antibiotic is the most effective way to minimize your risk of long-term complications like rheumatic fever.

That said, antibiotics do not provide immediate results. And while you wait for the antibiotics to take effect, simple actions like swallowing liquids and food can be quite uncomfortable. Here are some home remedies for strep that may help make your symptoms more bearable:

Use an over-the-counter pain reliever. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) can assist in alleviating symptoms such as fever and sore throat. Gargle warm salt water. Gargling with salt water can help relieve pain from a sore throat. Drink plenty of water. Cold fluids can slightly numb your throat and reduce discomfort. Eat soft foods. Soft foods are simpler to swallow than hard, crunchy foods. Hence, consuming items such as yogurt, oatmeal, and mashed vegetables will be gentler on your throat. It will also benefit you to avoid acidic, spicy, and sour foods. Use a humidifier. Dry air can aggravate your sore throat, so introducing moisture to the air you breathe can provide a soothing effect.

What antibiotic treats strep throat in India?

The antibiotics that are most frequently prescribed for treating sore throat consist of:
Amoxicillin. Amoxicillin is typically recommended for managing infections caused by Streptococcus A. bacteria, such as pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

What is the price of azithromycin 500 in India?

Azithromycin cost in India

Azee 500 Tablet: ₹ 131. 93 for a single strip (5 tablets per strip) | Producer/ Promoter – Cipla Limited. Aziwok 500 Tablet: ₹ 131. 90 for a single strip (5 tablets per strip)

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