Sleep apnea – Symptoms and Causes-various aspects-
Sleep apnea may lead to various symptoms, such as loud snoring, interrupted breathing, and daytime drowsiness. Additional symptoms may involve headaches, dry mouth, and difficulties with concentration.
Loud snoring: A frequent indication of sleep apnea, although not everyone who snores is affected by it
Interrupted breathing: You may wake up gasping for air or choking
Daytime sleepiness: You may feel fatigued despite sleeping for a full night
Headaches: You may arise in the morning with a headache
Dry mouth: You may wake up experiencing a dry mouth or sore throat
Trouble concentrating: You may struggle with focusing and learning during the day
Mood changes: You may experience irritability or feelings of depression
Waking up often: You may frequently awaken to urinate during the night
Obstructive sleep apnea
Results from a blockage in the airway, which could be caused by obesity, enlarged tonsils, or a narrow throat
Central sleep apnea
Results from the brain momentarily ceasing to send signals to the breathing muscles This can stem from other conditions like heart failure or stroke
Treatments Using a device to aid your breathing, Using supplemental oxygen, and Managing related conditions.
It is advisable to consult a sleep medicine specialist if you experience any of these symptoms.
What is Sleep apnoea?

Other type is-
- Central sleep apnoea -in which the Central nervous system is responsible .The impulse required for breathing from the Central nervous system stops temporarily. In a normal individual the brain sends signals to the respiratory muscles so that the lungs contract and expand during respiration .
- In central sleep apnoea these signals are reduced or interrupted.
- Loud snoring is less common in patients of Central sleep apnoea as compared to patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.
- Complex apnoeas are a condition that occurs in a patient of obstructive sleep apnoea in whom positive pressure ventilation is given.
- In the present day medical science it is not completed understood how these apnoeas develop.
- They usually develop and resolve on their own.
- When they persist they require specific treatment.
- In any case whether there is physical obstruction to breathing airway or due to signally problem from the Central nervous system as in case of Central sleep apnoea the breathing stops temporarily .
- It resumes again.
- This occurs repeatedly during sleep.
- When the Breathing starts again there is snoring, deep breathing.
- The individual may wake up completely but there is feeling of choking, gasping.
- The individual has to wake frequently during sleep and go for urination.
- In the morning there is headache ,irritability and the individual may suffer from memory loss.
Complications of Sleep apnoea-
- If untreated sleep apnoea can lead to complications like –
- Heart disease
- Depression .
- Due to decreased sleep during night time ,the individual feels drowsy during the day time.
- He is not able to concentrate on his work.
- If he is driving a vehicle then it can lead to accidents.
- It can lead to mishaps at the place of work. .
Things noticed by individual-
- Due to lack of sleep during night they get fatigued easily
- insomnia
- Difficulty in concentration
- They have to wake several times during night
- As mouth breathing ,snoring is present, they wake up with a dry mouth ,upper respiratory tract infection.
- headache due to lack of sleep, acidity ,
- Irritability,
- decreased libido and erectile dysfunction.
Treatment of sleep apnoea –
- Aims of the treatment are to reduce the breathing problems during night sleep and to treat the underlying causes.
- The line of treatment depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the symptoms.
- If there is snoring due to obstructive sleep apnoea, first of all weight reduction is advised.
- Dieting and rigorous physical exercise should be done as per the advice of dietitian and MD General Medicine doctors .
- We never recommend too much rigorous dieting as it can spoil the health.
- Whether the individual has obesity or not, he should follow heart healthy diet.
- Minimum 6-7 hrs sleep out of 24 hrs is recommended.
- Ear to bed ,ear to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.
- Remaining awake for too much late hrs in night is not good for health.
- Smoking, alcohol should be given up.
- To avoid sleeping in the prone position.
- To sleep in supine position or lateral positions.
- Continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) -At present this is the main line of treatment for sleep apnoea .
- This by providing positive pressure though air administered will help to keep the airway open.
- Constant stream of positive pressure air is given by mask. Moisture is added to the inspired air to prevent health problems of dry air.
Surgery –
- This is done to stiffen the excess tissues, to remove excess tissues ,
- to remove enlarged tonsils if any.
- Mandibular repositioning device (MRD) –
- This is used in cases of mild to moderate sleep apnoea.
- This is a mouthpiece device which holds the jaw forward during sleep .This increases the space behind the tongue .
- Thus the upper airway remains open and prevents snoring and sleep apnoea.
Side effects of MRD-
- If an individual is already having temporomandibular disease then it gets aggravated.
- Even if an individual is not having temporomandibular diseases then also it can cause jaw pain and dental pain, due to the pressure exerted by it .
- These should be taken only after consultation with qualified and experienced MD General Medicine doctors or with chest physician.
- These have several adverse effects –
- Triazolam, Acetazolamide
Causes /Eitiology of sleep apnoea –
- Lax tissues and muscles of the mouth and throat
- Chronic rhinosinusitis or deviated nasal septum since a long time -Whatever it may be -these things cause nasal congestion and nasal congestion is contributing factor in sleep apnoea.
- Obesity causes thickened tissues, irregular tissues and additional fat stores, around airway,enlarged tonsils -contributing to obstructive sleep apnoea
- neurologic disorders
- genetic factors
- heart, kidney problems ,
- thyroid disorders,
- preterm infants .
Risk factors association with sleep apnoea –
- Many of these are already discussed previously in this article -Old age,
- Obesity,
- alcoholism,
- smoking,
- pregnancy,
- diabetes,
- large neck,
- menopause,
- Down ‘s syndrome
- family history,
- recessed chin,
- racial origin.
Sleep apnoea is associated with the following disorders –
- Patients taking frequent pain relief medications.
- Excess use of pain relief medications should be avoided.
- All medicines should be taken only after consultation with qualified and experienced MD General Medicine doctors .\
- CNS disorders like encephalitis
- high altitudes travel
- medicines taken for depression and opioids
- heart failure and stroke .
- Complications of sleep apnoea –
- Stoke
- Atrial fibrillation
- Type 2 diabetes
- Hypertension
- Glaucoma
- In female patients if there is pregnancy then it can cause pregnancy related complications.
- Cardiac problems due to reduced blood supply
- Dementia
- Kidney problems
- Decreased ability to focus cognitive problems
- Respiratory system problems like asthma
- As soon as any of these earliest signs and symptoms of sleep apnoea are noticed then immediate consultation with qualified and experienced MD General Medicine doctor should be sought to avoid progress and undue complications.
- Sleep studies and Sleep MRI
- In case of snoring we advise sleep MRI in which the patient is asked to sleep in sleep laboratory.
- During deep sleep a sleep MRI is performed.
- Video record of this sleep MRI is done which actually indicates the site of obstruction in cases of obstructive sleep apnoea.
- In any case of snoring first weight reduction is advised.
- Only and only after weight reduction and correction of associated deviated nasal septum sinus problems, this sleep MRI is done .
- If any obstruction is detected in sleep MRI then various surgical modalities like mandibular advancement techniques
- reduction of tongue mass by laser
- Surgery for vocal cords polyps, if any is advised
- In the sleep laboratory the equipment records brain waves,
- Eye and leg movements
- SPO2
You’re a Loud Sleeper. Snoring, snorting, or gasping: Noisy sleeping is an indication that your upper airway may be blocked.
You’re Fidgety While Sleeping.
You’re Constantly Fatigued.
You Match the Criteria.