Can I lose weight with treatment?


Can I lose weight with treatment-various aspects-

Yes, it is possible to lose weight with treatment, which may encompass lifestyle modifications, medications, and procedures.
Lifestyle modifications
Healthy eating: A registered dietitian can assist you in developing a healthy meal plan that’s customized to your requirements.
Physical activity: Elevating your level of activity can assist you in losing weight.
Mindful eating: Consuming food slowly and without distractions can aid in making you feel satisfied and help prevent overeating.
Stress management: Effectively managing stress can support you in maintaining a healthy weight.
Sleep: Getting sufficient sleep can aid you in keeping a healthy weight.
Prescription weight-loss medications
These medications can assist you in feeling fuller and controlling your appetite. Some medications are administered as injections, while others are available in oral tablet form.
Liraglutide and semaglutide
These medications are administered as injections and function by making you feel fuller and reducing hunger.
Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty
This procedure entails placing stitches in the stomach to limit the volume of food and liquid it can accommodate.
Intragastric balloon
This procedure involves inserting a small balloon filled with water into the stomach to decrease the available space.

Most commonly, health care providers manage overweight and obesity by assisting you in making lifestyle modifications that could enable you to shed excess weight safely and maintain it over time. In certain situations, alternative treatments like weight-loss medications or surgical procedures for weight loss may be beneficial.

Treatment for Overweight and Obesity
Most commonly, health care professionals address overweight and obesity by assisting you in making lifestyle adjustments that could aid in safely losing extra weight and maintaining that loss over time. In certain situations, additional treatments like weight-loss medications or weight-loss surgery could also be beneficial.

How much weight should I lose?
If weight loss is necessary, collaborate with a health care professional to establish a weight-loss target and timeline that is most suitable for you. For instance, aiming to lose 5% of your body weight over a span of 6 months might be a reasonable initial objective. 34 If your weight is 200 pounds, this would translate to losing 10 pounds.

Shedding excess weight could potentially reduce your risk of developing health issues linked to overweight and obesity. If you already face weight-related health challenges, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, losing weight might assist in enhancing your overall health.

Can I lose weight with treatment
Can I lose weight with treatment

How do health care professionals treat overweight and obesity?
Lifestyle changes
Health care professionals frequently manage overweight and obesity by advising lifestyle modifications, such as following a nutritious eating plan and increasing your physical activity, to facilitate safe weight loss. These lifestyle adjustments can enable you to lower the caloric intake from food and beverages while boosting the calories you expend through activity.

Tailored weight-loss program
In some instances, your health care provider might refer you to a specialist or a team experienced in weight management. These experts will create a personalized plan for you and support you in executing it.

Safe and successful weight-loss programs typically include

14 or more weight-loss counseling sessions conducted over 6 months
an eating plan tailored to the calories and nutrients your body requires
at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, such as brisk walking or cycling
daily monitoring of food consumption and physical activity, along with weekly weight tracking
regular feedback and assistance from specialists
You may engage with specialists in individual or group settings. The sessions could occur in person or online, using smartphones, computers, or other devices. The specialists might reach out to you regularly through phone calls or emails to bolster your plan. Smartphone applications and other resources may aid you in tracking your adherence to the plan.

Weight-loss medicines
Achieving and maintaining weight loss can be challenging. When changes to your lifestyle fall short, your healthcare provider may prescribe medications to address overweight and obesity. Some medications can also assist you in keeping the weight off. While taking weight-loss medications, you should aim to adhere to your healthy eating regimen and remain physically active.

Weight-loss surgery
Weight-loss surgery, referred to as metabolic and bariatric surgery, comprises various procedures that facilitate weight reduction by altering your digestive system. Your physician might suggest weight-loss surgery if your body mass index (BMI) is 35 or above. Some medical professionals and organizations advocate for weight-loss surgery in individuals with a lower BMI if they have a significant health issue linked to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes or sleep apnea.

Weight-loss devices
Your healthcare provider might evaluate weight-loss devices if you have not succeeded in losing weight or maintaining your weight loss through other methods. Due to the recent approval of weight-loss devices by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration, the long-term risks and benefits remain uncertain to researchers.

Are weight loss treatments the suitable option for me?
Many individuals find it challenging to shed pounds through just dietary changes and exercise routines. This difficulty arises due to numerous factors that may lead to weight gain and obesity. Genetics, hormone levels, health conditions and medications, habits, and our surrounding environment can all influence our weight and weight loss outcomes. If you believe you have exhausted all options and your weight is affecting your health, medical weight loss treatments or surgery might be the crucial solution you need. Gundersen’s skilled obesity medicine team, which includes physicians, dieticians, exercise experts, behavioral health providers, and bariatric surgeons, assists individuals in reclaiming their health, and you could be the next one. Continue reading to discover more about Gundersen’s top 5 weight loss treatments and think about which alternatives might be most suitable for you.

1. Weight-loss medications
Behavioral and lifestyle modifications form the foundation of all medical weight-loss treatments. Depending on your medical and weight history, activity level, eating habits, and dietary needs, prescription weight-loss medications could be an additional resource to aid in weight reduction. Certain prescription weight-loss medications function by enhancing your feelings of fullness and managing your appetite. Others alter how fat consumed in your diet is absorbed by your body or enhance your insulin sensitivity. Our specialists can review FDA-approved weight-loss medication options, including injections and oral tablets, and provide suggestions based on your body mass index (BMI) and health objectives. Patients taking prescription weight-loss medications generally lose 10 percent of their body weight within six months.

2. Bariatric surgery
For those suffering from obesity who have not had success with less invasive weight-loss alternatives, bariatric surgery is an efficient and safe weight-loss option that aids in maintaining a healthy diet, lifestyle, and weight. The most prevalent bariatric surgeries today are Roux en Y gastric bypass surgery and gastric sleeve surgery, both of which are minimally invasive techniques that change the stomach and digestive system. For individuals with a BMI over 35—or a BMI above 30 with additional related health issues—bariatric surgery is frequently the most effective long-term solution for weight loss. Gundersen patients typically shed approximately 72 percent of their excess weight by the conclusion of the first year after their bariatric surgery, and many associated health concerns like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea can be prevented, improved, or completely resolved. Learn more about Gundersen’s accredited weight-loss surgery program by attending the free, informational Weight-Loss Surgery Seminar.

3. Nutrition counseling
Food can serve as one of the most effective tools for enhancing health and managing weight, but not everyone is aware of how to adequately nourish their body—even more so when a health condition necessitates specific dietary restrictions and limitations. Nutrition counseling, either in groups or individually, with our registered dietitians can assist you in getting on the right track. Together, you will create a customized plan that focuses on nutrition, physical activity, and coping strategies as you cultivate a healthy relationship with food. Meal planning may also be included during dietitian appointments. Your provider might also suggest behavioral health, therapy, exercise physiology, or other supportive resources available at Gundersen. There is no BMI requirement to meet with a dietitian at Gundersen. Discover more about our tailored nutrition counseling services to assist you in achieving your nutrition objectives.

4. Meal replacement programs
We’ve all encountered meal replacement shakes and bars on grocery store shelves, so you might be curious about how a medical meal replacement program differs. With the meal replacement program at Gundersen, a physician will supervise and guide you through a three-phase program designed to facilitate weight loss, promote healthy eating habits, and help you sustain your weight loss. The program starts with daily meal replacement shakes, soups, and bars that are rich in quality nutrients to nourish the body while having fewer calories than what you would usually consume for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. During this weight-loss stage, the limited food distractions enable you to learn to identify hunger and fullness signals. As your eating habits improve, you will move from supplements back to balanced meals and snacks. Once you reach your weight-loss goal, the final stage of the program focuses on weight maintenance. Patients participating in the meal replacement program for weight loss typically shed 10 to 15 percent of their body weight.

5. Intragastric balloons
The Orbera® Intragastric Balloon represents a minimally invasive, non-surgical weight-loss treatment choice. Along with long-term lifestyle and dietary changes, the gastric balloon can be utilized by individuals with obesity who possess a BMI of 30 or higher. During an outpatient procedure, a silicone balloon is inserted into the stomach using a scope. The intragastric balloon is subsequently filled with saline until it reaches approximately the size of a grapefruit. This temporary balloon implant assists in limiting your stomach capacity, promoting a sense of fullness and reinforcing portion management. After six months, the balloon is taken out. The typical weight loss for patients with the gastric balloon is around 10 percent of their body weight.

Which weight loss treatment is the best option for me?
Gundersen’s team of professionals can assist you in addressing any inquiries and help you find the best treatments that align with your personal goals and lifestyle. Each individual’s requirements are unique, and not all treatments will be effective for everyone. We’re here to support you in understanding both non-surgical weight loss and weight loss surgery options to determine the most effective solutions for you.

If you are dealing with obesity, your GP can provide you with guidance on improving your lifestyle and safely losing and managing your weight.

Your GP can assist you in weight loss in a safe manner by suggesting a healthy, balanced diet and encouraging regular physical activity.

They can also inform you about additional helpful services, such as:

local weight loss groups – these might be organized by your local authority, the NHS, or commercial services that may require payment
exercise on prescription – where you are referred to a local active health team for several sessions under the oversight of a qualified trainer
If you have health concerns related to obesity, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), high blood pressure, diabetes, or sleep apnoea, your GP may suggest further testing or particular treatments. In certain situations, they could refer you to a specialist.


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